Information about deposits

Compulsory Deposit
- Every member shall make monthly deposits with the society in the Compulsory Deposits (Non-Withdrawal) account at the rate to be fixed by the Committee. No withdrawal will be allowed from this account except on the cessation of membership.
- Every member shall make a monthly saving deposit with the Society @ Rs. 800/- per month as Compulsory Deposit (Non-Withdrawal), the Interest rate on Compulsory Deposit(Non-Withdrawal) is @ 6 % per annum and @ Rs. 200/- per month as Compulsory Deposit (Withdrawal), the Interest rate on Compulsory Deposit(Withdrawal) is @ 3 % per annum. The member’s may make withdrawal from Compulsory Deposit (Withdrawal) only and withdrawal from Compulsory Deposit (Non-Withdrawal) cannot be made till he/she ceased to be a member of the Society.
- Any member failing to make the required deposit by the 10th of each month shall receive no interest on the amount standing to his/her credit for the period during which the payment is in arrears.