About Us
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Government of India Secretariat co-operative Thrift & Credit Society Ltd. is a registered society established since 1903 having its registered office at 161 – 162, Lower Ground Floor, Anarkali Complex, Opp. Videocon Tower, Jhandewalan Extn., New Delhi – 110055
The objects of the Society are to promote the economic interests of the members and more particularly to arrange –
- The creation of funds to be lent to its members for necessary purposes,
- The credit business,
- To undertake welfare activities for the members and employees for the promotion of their moral, educational and physical improvements,
- To own lands, buildings or to take them on lease or rent for the business of the society,
- To undertake measures designed to encourage in the members the spirit and practice of thrift, self-help and mutual help,
- To do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any or all of the above objects.
Overview of the Government of India Secretariat Co-operative T/C Society Ltd. is the following —
- More than 120 years old society,
- Presently about 8000 registered members,
- Primary aim of the Society is the welfare of its members,
- Self-financing T&C Society,
- Turnover of the Society is about Rs. 65 crores,
- Providing loans on lower rate of interest to its members.